Pinot Nero dell’Oltrepò Pavese DOC

The elegant Pinot Noir meet the Oltrepò Pavese and shows another side of its way of being: here is the strong and seductive character of a baron.

Still Red Wine.

Pinot Nero dell’Oltrepò Pavese DOC

The elegant Pinot Noir meet the Oltrepò Pavese and shows another side of its way of being: here is the strong and seductive character of a baron.

Still Red Wine.


Pinot Noir 100%.


Vineyards on slopes over 200 metres above sea level, with eastern exposure.


Trellis-trained with replacement cane-pruned (Guyot) and Vertical Shoot Position.


High limestone content.


Maceration of grape skins and 12 months maturation in Allier and Tronçais oak barrels.


The clear ruby red chalice delights the nose with well-ripened fruits such as cherry, plum and blackberry together some vibrant balsamic and spicy notes. In has a full body with a lively streak of acidity and the young tannins give a good overall structure. The long finish is persistent and enriched by pleasant liquorice overtones.

Potential for ageing: can drink now, but has potential of ageing. Alchol Level: 13,5% vol

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